Social media is abuzz with anticipation following the release of the captivating trailer for Inkblot Production’s highly anticipated film “When Love Strikes.”The movie, set...
Angela Okorie Calls Out Zubby Michael Again for Rocking Red T-Shirt to Junior Pope’s FuneralZubby Michael, a well-known actor, was spotted graciously offering bundles...
Angela Okorie has once again voiced her disapproval of Zubby Michael’s attire at Junior Pope’s funeral.She questioned the appropriateness of wearing a red T-shirt...
Angela Okorie, a Nollywood actress, opens a bag of worms regarding her colleague, Zubby Michael, following his recent tribute to Junior Pope under heavy...
Actress Vivian Metchie has slammed an Instagram user who criticised Zubby Michael for his delay in mourning fellow actor Junior Pope on social media.Zubby...
Federal aviation authorities are investigating claims by a Boeing engineer that the 787 Dreamliner suffers from assembly defects that threaten safety, US officials said...