Oludipe Oluwasanmi David, widely recognized as Spyro, a prominent Nigerian musician celebrated for his hit track “Who Is Your Guy,” has voiced his dissatisfaction...
Nigerian artist Oluwadipe Oluwasanmi David, known as Spyro, wrote a heartfelt message to Captain Tunde Demuren, who is married to media figure Tolu Toolz...
Spyro, the fast-rising Nigerian singer, has openly admitted to experiencing heartbreak from a lady, which has caused him to develop a dislike for Canada.He...
Portable, a Nigerian musician, rapper, and composer, expressed his joy when Spyro apparently contacted him an email requesting a feature in a new song.This...
According to social media sources, Nigerian artist Spyro will join Canadian rapper Drake on his new single, “Shut Down” remix.On March 29, Spyro announced...
Spyro encouraged men to be alert, claiming that frequently the most awful women are the ones that seem lovely.Singer Oludipe David Oluwasanmi aka Spyro...
This is the second year of the eagerly awaited award ceremony, celebrating TikTok creators for their talent and creativity. During December 2023, TikTok fans...
Nigerian Afrobeat singer and songwriter Adekunle Gold recently embarked on a joyous journey with his wife Simi, musician Spyro, family, and friends.Adekunle Gold took...