Obinna Iyiegbu, also known as Obi Cubana, a prominent businessman, has released a cryptic post after Nigerian street pop star, Portable, stunned many on...
Portable’s second babymama, who was found cheating on him, makes him a lifetime commitment.Keji, the second baby mama of controversial singer Portable, has made...
A leaked chat between Davido, a popular Nigerian singer, and his colleague Portable has created quite a stir online.The Zazoo crooner responded to Davido’s...
Omotara Akanni, a well-known socialite and influencer, said that the controversial singer Portable was the nicest star she has ever met.The model made her...
Habeeb Okikiola, also known as Portable Omolalomi, a Nigerian street singer, has expressed pleasure at meeting renowned actor Taiwo Hassan ‘Ogogo’. He praised them...
Controversial Nigerian singer Habeeb Okikiola, better known as Portable, has released a hot take after meeting all of his bail conditions. Recall GISTLOVER was...
Habeeb Okikiola, aka Portable, got Nigerians talking as he was charged by the Ogun State Police Command with six assault-related offenses in the Ifo...
Controversial singer, Habeeb Okikiola, has been released after fulfilling his bail conditions. Okikiola, also known as Portable, was arraigned in an Ogun State Magistrate’s...
Habeeb Okikiola, a controversial singer best known by his stage name Portable Omolalomi, has given himself praise for persevering. The street performer claimed that...