This rib-tickling comedy features a star-studded cast that includes Big Brother star Cee-C, the legendary Nkem Owoh, Uche Montana, the hilarious Broda Shaggi, the iconic...
Uzoamaka Ohiri, OAP Nedu’s ex-wife, once more triggered a number of responses online after an old video of her reappeared online.Recall that in September...
During an episode of ‘The Honest Bunch’ podcast, popular Nigerian comedian Nedu Wazobia recently offered his thoughts on the chances of Nigerian influencers marrying.He...
Popular Nigerian media personality, OAP Nedu Wazobia recently raised the bar as he stormed the streets of Lagos and by extension extended kind gestures...
Mr Eazi, a popular artist and businessman, recently got fans and celebrities raving about his latest accomplishment.Mr Eazi easily tops the list of Afrobeats...
Ex-BBnaija housemate, Oluwabusayo Abiri, popularly known as Khloe has lambasted him online following his statement that women go on the BBNaija show just to...