The collection will be experienced across 2 days: an exclusive presentation inviting guests to immerse themselves in a curated multi-sensory experience, where every detail...
The unveiling event celebrated the union of The Macallan’s exceptional whisky-making craftsmanship and ATAFO’s signature aesthetic, creating a truly immersive and luxurious experience for...
The after-party was held to celebrate the official presentation of Chimamanda’s latest book, “Mama’s Sleeping Scarf,” held earlier at the Alliance Francaise/Mike Adenuga Centre,...
The Macallan, a globally acclaimed whisky brand, has teamed up with Nigerian fashion icon and creative director, Mai Atafo, to support his mentorship initiative,...
‘The Macallan‘ a leading prestigious single malt Scotch whisky, recently partnered with creative designer Mai Atafo on his latest collection ‘The Atelier‘ after a three-year...