Following reports of the falsification of her result, Nigerian student, Miss Joy Ejikeme, released a video of the original result she printed from the...
Justice Obiora Egwuatu of the Federal High Court, Abuja, has awarded one million naira to a former JAMB Registrar, Prof. Dibu OjerindeEgwuatu held that...
Professor Dibu Ojerinde, the former registrar of the Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB), has been re-arraigned by the federal governmentProf. Ojerinde was again...
Innoson group, an automobile manufacturer, founded by Chief Dr Innocent Chukwuma OFR, has awarded a N3 million scholarship to Ejikeme Joy, the overall best-performing...
No fewer than 80,000 candidates on Saturday sat for the rescheduled Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) across the country.JAMB’s Head of Public Affairs and...
Master Lotanna Azuokeke, a student of Bishop Otubelu Juniorate, Trans Ekulu, Enugu, scored 99 marks in the just-concluded Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME).Azuokeke, 15,...
Those who sat for the 2023 Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination can begin checking their results on Tuesday, May 2All candidates have been told to...
By JOHN ONAH, Abuja –
Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board( JAMB) has rescheduled the 2023 UTME exercise for candidates, who could not sit for their...
The Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) has directed candidates, who had registered for the 2023 Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) optional Mock-UTME scheduled...
The Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board, (JAMB) has announced that the 2023 Mock-Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examinations (UTME) earlier scheduled for Thursday, March 16, 2023,...