The microblogging platform, on Thursday, removed the verification badges of the Nigerian singers, Burna Boy, Davido, Wizkid and Peter Okoye.Recall that Twitter owner, Elon...
Tacha Akide, a popular reality star, begs Twitter CEO Elon Musk to restore her verification badge. In order to maintain their verified badges, users...
Billionaire businessman and Twitter CEO, Elon Musk, has threatened to sue American tech multinational, Microsoft, for illegally using Twitter data.Microsoft had announced its intention...
This line-up of stories will help you discover the latest happenings around the tech world, today1. Elon Musk to launch ‘TruthGPT’ to rival existing...
Former Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Twitter, Parag Agrawal, along with two other former executives, Vijaya Gadde and Ned Segal, are suing Elon Musk-owned...
Over 1,000 tech experts, including Elon Musk, have called for a six-month pause on the development of advanced artificial intelligence systems, such as...