In a bold move for the world of entertainment and technology, Colorean Bay proudly introduces “Nothing is Unreal”; West Africa’s first hyper-realistic immersive experience. Set...
LagosMums is excited to announce the 10th Annual Parenting Conference, taking place online on Saturday, October 7th, 2023. With the theme ‘Digital Parenthood: Parenting...
HerVest, a fintech dedicated to providing financial inclusion for women through a Gender Lens Investment (GLI) approach, will be hosting its value-driven event dedicated...
The event, which was held at Gaia Africa, Victoria Island Lagos, brought together female professionals from various fields in the media and creative industry.The...
From February 6th to February 10th, Landmark Event center will host AFRICANXT for its 11th year. With nearly 4,000 registered attendees to date, AFRICANXT 2023...