There Is Quite A Lot That Governments Can Do To Support SMEs – Michael Ayara

Mr. Michael Ayara, a co-founder of Down To Earth Enterprise, a Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) that is into the manufacturing of organic products that cut across tea, antiseptic creams as well as seasoning for culinary purposes was recently engaged in a media parley with ISAAC ASABOR, and threw insight into the operations of the company, even as he talked on the inspiration behind the establishment of the company, and in that vein seized the opportunity in offering advice to upcoming entrepreneurs that wish to toe the same line of business.

Ayara said “The motivation behind the establishment of our company, Down To Earth Enterprise, is to contribute in ameliorating the problem of ill-health, particularly in the aspect of skin care, and again let me say that humanity informed our decision to go into the production of dermal skin care. In fact, our venturing into the business signifies the translation of a vision into reality.