But if it was a blockbuster that had been rented over and over before it got to your turn, then you’d also have to pray it doesn’t “crack” as you watch it.
That was the familiar “home video” era. And it was quite the experience. Fast forward to the mid 2020s and what we have is the YouTube takeover: your neighbour, her friend, her cousin who lives down the street, even your aunty who barely completed a polytechnic education, is now a producer—all thanks to YouTube. But thankfully, the quality has become much better now and you won’t have to sit through the disappointing freezing or stuttering. Or has it, really?
Call it the democratisation of Nollywood. Or say that “Nigerians understand the internet business so well” like DJ Pakorich. But the reality remains that YouTube is the new home for the majority of Nollywood movie releases in recent years.