Set in the rich cultural backdrop of an Igala community, Omera is the gripping, emotional, and power-packed story of a young man who dares to take control of his future, only to face the consequences head-on. In search of greener pastures, he makes the life-altering decision to “japa,” but his dreams are shattered when he’s forced to return home. What begins as a tale of failure and disappointment, transforms into a dramatic journey as he unexpectedly takes over his uncle’s NGO, setting off a storm of ambition, betrayal, and ultimately redemption.
Produced and directed by Femi Ogunsanwo, Omera immerses you in a rich and deeply authentic narrative that is both thrilling and relatable. “We’ve poured everything into this story,” says Ogunsanwo. “Omera is going to leave viewers captivated and wanting more.”