On August 19, 2024, Christiannah was declared missing after her parents received a disturbing message from her WhatsApp account. The kidnappers demanded a ransom of ₦1.5 million, giving her family just 24 hours to pay. According to reports, Christiannah had been on her way from her home in Itaoluwo, Ikorodu, to the University of Lagos in Yaba, where she was completing her industrial training. On the way, she took refuge at the house of Ayomide Adeleye, a 200-level student at Olabisi Onabanjo University (OOU), whom she knew. Seeking shelter from the rain, she accepted Ayomide’s invitation to stay inside.
Tragically, while at his home, Ayomide attempted to assault Christiannah. When she resisted, he reportedly killed her. Christiannah’s family managed to raise ₦350,000, which Ayomide received through a betting account.