Will You Try Alternative Medicine?

Alternative medicine is a broad term encompassing a variety of medical modalities. Tradition typically supports these and is seldom taught in a Western medical setting. Such modalities range from the ancient eastern practices of acupuncture and Tai chi to herbal medicine, Reiki, chiropractic manipulation, and more according to the National Institutes of Health.

The situation of allergens and some health emergencies like purging, common colds, and accidents around the house require us to act quickly, to use what we see around us.

Alternative Herbal Medicines Familiar To Us Include:

Garlic: The things garlic can do are no longer an old wife’s tale. Healthline opined that Garlic is traditionally used to treat colds and coughs. It’s also reported to boost the immune system and help ease asthma symptoms. Arab traditional medicine recommends garlic to help treat heart disease, high blood pressure, arthritis, toothache, constipation, and infections. It is amazing to see the effect garlic has when you have a stubborn cold that won’t let you have some sanity. They are natural anti-biotics and anti-bacterial. Times of India opined that The antiviral and antimicrobial effects of garlic make it a potent natural remedy. It is interesting to see how effective they can be but because these procedures cannot be measured or quantified, it is advised to go easy on them.

Scent Leaves: This leaf is also known as efinrin in Yoruba, a change in Igbo language and daidoya for the Hausa. Scent leaf is a plant that is frequently grown for both culinary and medicinal purposes in West Africa, typically in and around village huts and gardens. The leaves, which have a potent scent, are frequently used to season meat, particularly game, and to flavour soup. The leaves are widely used as an essential seasoning in soups, especially “pepper soup,” and other similar dishes in the southeast of Nigeria and beyond. Scent leaf has been traditionally used in herbal medicine for its anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antifertility properties, among others culled from Science Direct.

Have you had any stomach pain recently and someone mentioned you chewing on some scent leaves? Do they work? Would doctors approve of them? I doubt that. According to studies, eating the leaf’s stem helps prevent bad breath and keeps one’s teeth strong due to the presence of oral microorganisms present in scent leaves which helps to fight tooth decay (Mbegbu, Nwajinka and Amaefule, 2021). Scent leaves have a wide range of medical advantages. It has calcium and magnesium, both of which work to lower blood sugar (Okoduwa, Umar, James and Inuwa, 2017). Would you chew on scent leaves?

Moringa Leaves: The National Institutes of Health opined that Moringa oleifera, also known as the “tree of life” or “miracle tree,” is classified as an important herbal plant due to its immense medicinal and non-medicinal benefits. Traditionally, the plant is used to cure wounds, pain, ulcers, liver disease, heart disease, cancer, and inflammation. Watching our seniors using moringa for tea, broth, soups and a snack makes me wonder if it is one reason for their ageing backwards. Their cravings for herbal greens and leafy vegetables make me wonder if these herbal plants are elixirs for everlasting life. Would you try a moringa diet anytime soon?

Cloves: The sweet part of these herbal remedies is the fact that they can be incorporated into our local delicacies and cuisines. Medical News Today opined that cloves are known for their strong taste and smell and can be purchased ground or whole for use in cooking. Many cuisines include cloves, and it is also an ingredient in certain condiments, including ketchup and Worcestershire sauce. Also used in seasoning our stews and broths. Researchers are studying clove oil as a natural method for maintaining oral health due to its effect on plaque, gingivitis, and bacteria in the mouth. The researchers also found that the mouth rinse that contained clove decreased the number of harmful bacteria more than the commercial mouth rinse, according to Medical News Today, medically reviewed by Natalie Butler, R.D., L.D. — Written by Megan. If given the options, would you choose cloves?

Alternative medicine offers a rich tapestry of remedies drawn from nature’s bounty, blending tradition with modern curiosity. While these practices hold potential benefits, it’s essential to approach them with an informed mind and a balanced perspective. Whether it’s garlic for immunity, scent leaves for digestion, moringa for vitality, or cloves for oral health, the choice to explore these natural remedies is personal and worth considering. Would you give them a try? The answer may lie in the wisdom of age-old traditions meeting your wellness journey.