E-commerce Sees A ‘New Consumer’ Who Values Savings Over Brand Loyalty

According to a survey carried out by Promocodius — a site with up-to-date promotional codes, U.S. consumers are increasingly prioritizing savings, with nearly half of survey participants willing to download brand apps for loyalty promotions and 70% joining loyalty programs for free shipping benefits.

The trend is clear: consumers are seeking more cost-effective alternatives and are less inclined to remain loyal to specific brands. The use of coupons such as a free Flixbus voucher code has surged, with 45% of respondents in the Promocodius survey having used them in the past six months. This indicates a growing preference for sites that offer current promotional codes and discounts which is becoming essential for savvy shoppers looking to maximize their savings.

Digital tools play a crucial role in this new consumer behavior. Online platforms for comparing prices and reading reviews are more popular than ever, enabling consumers to make well-informed purchasing decisions. This digital fluency allows them to navigate the marketplace efficiently, ensuring they get the best value for their money. Despite the reliance on online shopping, the physical store experience still holds significant value. Many consumers prefer to see, touch, and try items before purchasing, with 59% visiting stores for this purpose and 57% to avoid shipping hassles.