$300 Helicopter Landing Levy: Firm’s Appointment For Collection Breaches Due Process – Operators

In a statement made available to newsmen, the spokesman of AON, Prof. Obiora Okonkwo, said the process did not comply with the requirements of the Public Procurement Act.

The airline operators reiterated that the approval and imposition of the Helicopter landing and take-off Fee at private helipads, and oil rig platforms when no service is provided at those locations to the helicopter operators by NAMA is contrary to the provision of section 7 (1) (r) of the then applicable NAMA Act as well as to section 1, paragraph 2(1) of ICAO Document 9082.

According to the statement, NAMA does not provide any additional service to helicopter operators to justify the imposition of the fee at all helipads, oil rig platforms in Nigeria.