Benefits of drinking red wine

We need to stress that “moderation” is key in this context, as excessive alcohol consumption can lead to adverse health effects. With that in mind, let’s uncork the discussion and explore five reasons why red wine might just be a toast to your health.

Red wine is made by fermenting dark-coloured, whole grapes, and when enjoyed in moderation, is said to offer a bouquet of health benefits.

One of the most applauded benefits of red wine is its contribution to heart health. Red wine is rich in antioxidants like resveratrol, which has been linked to protective effects on the heart. These antioxidants help in fighting off “bad” LDL cholesterol while keeping the blood vessels in good shape. The idea here isn’t to start guzzling bottles in the name of heart health but rather to appreciate that a glass with your meal could be contributing more than just flavour.