You're the mechanic? — 3 women discuss working male-dominated jobs

From holding careers that were in themselves made to inhibit the growth of women in the workplace, the modern woman has been able to break through these barriers to pursue careers that are even in 2024 still considered unconventional.

As one might expect, the journey for women in these lines of work has not been easy. At times, the first huddle they have to jump over starts from their own home, where years of social conditioning restricts the imaginations of the people who are supposed to be the most ardent cheerleaders in their chosen field of work.

For Ajayi Oluwatosin, who has attained fame as LadyMechanic on Instagram for her content about cars, her story was no different. When as a teenager she first told her mother, an academic, that she had decided the next step forward was to become a local apprentice with the roadside mechanic, she wasn’t immediately met with enthusiasm. Her mother, she said, advised her to take up hairdressing or fashion design, like the other young girls her age.