Scaling-up MMS To Reverse Anaemia In Pregnancy

Couple with these challenges which ranges from high blood pressure, gestational diabetes, infection, preeclampsia, preterm labor and depression & anxiety, among others, is the difficult economic climate which has compelled many pregnant women to modify their diets from healthy to budget-conscious.

One of such pregnant women is Mrs Onome Karo, who is three months pregnant. Though Mrs Karo affirmed that the nurses told her to eat a lot of fruits, vegetables and local food like beans, egg, fish etc, she does not have the financial muscles to afford them.

“My husband has not be paid salary for the past seven months. I have been the only one managing the home with my POS business, which is not very lucrative. As a pregnant woman, i supposed to be taking a lot of vegetables and fruits,  but i truly cannot afford them. I  struggle to eat three times a day and when I do eat, it will be either ‘concoction rice  and eba/Okro soup,” she lamented.