Which Country Is This, With Money Flowing On The Streets? (1) 


I am sure no day passes without you getting angry too many times in the course of that day. There are so many things to be angry and mad about in a country like Nigeria. The bad roads, no electricity, corruption everywhere, cheating in schools, injustice in places of justice. I went to a public institution/complex sometime ago. There must have been over a thousand people working there. People were streaming in and out for one business or the other. I had a meal within the complex and later, I felt pressed to use the restroom. The blunt answer. No toilet. The general toilet within the complex was under lock and key. I was advised to use the nearby gutter. What a mean alternative. I looked around and decided to go outside the complex in a bid to answer the call of nature, which has a limit to how much you can resist. I got to the gate of the complex and asked the security official there where I could find a public toilet within the environment. He directed me to the next compound, a multipurpose shopping complex. I was relieved to find a public toilet there and very happy to use their services for a fee. That is the power of service in meeting needs.