Kaduna Bombing: The Military’s Reaction Is A Sign of Positive Change, Says Rev. Hayab

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Kaduna State Chairman of the Christian Association (CAN) of Nigeria, Reverend John Hayab has expressed his satisfaction with the Nigerian Army’s reaction to the recent bombing that took place in Kaduna State.

The bombing which took place in the Igabi Local Government Area on the 3rd of December was described as regrettably by the Chief of Army Staff (COAS), Lieutenant General Taoreed Lagbaja who apologised to citizens of the state, vowing to probe the issue until it has been resolved.

In an ARISE NEWS interview on Wednesday, Rev. Hayab described the situation as saddening and revealed that the CAN community of Kaduna had extended its condolences to the citizens. He also stated that the people and the association hold the Chief of Army Staff and Nigerian security services in high esteem for their good works.

“The acceptance people are having with the Chief of Army Staff is because we knew him before now to be someone who wants to ensure law and order.

“This is one step that the Nigerian Army and security agencies have done, that is a shift from yesterday. Owning up to the action alone shows that we are changing.”

The army has encouraged the people of the community despite the strained relationship between the people and security forces.

“In the past the relationship between the people of Kaduna and security agencies has been that of cat and mouse. No trust, love and everyone is looking for who to fault.

“There is a shift in the last six to seven months where the Governor of Kaduna has been trying to extend an olive branch. The commissioner of police has also taken the lead in doing the same. 

“The Chief of Defense Staff is aware of efforts from religious organizations to see that we have synergy between faith leaders and security agencies.”

Glamour Adah.

The post Kaduna Bombing: The Military’s Reaction Is A Sign of Positive Change, Says Rev. Hayab appeared first on Arise News.