Kano Guber Election: Appeal Court Judgment Is A ‘Scandalous Judicial Debacle,’ Says Ladipo Johnson

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Spokesperson for the New Nigerian People’s Party (NNPP), Ladipo Johnson, expressed his and the party’s disdain for the recent controversy surrounding the Kano state guber elections tribunal verdict and the recently released Certified True Copy (CTC) document of the Appeal Court.

Although the widely publicized ruling from the court last Friday suggested that the appellate court maintained the petition tribunal’s decision to remove Governor Abba Yusuf of the NNPP, the state’s attorney general and commissioner for justice, Haruna Isa-Dederi, contended that the judgment’s Certified True Copy demonstrated that the appeal court upheld Yusuf’s election victory.

In an ARISE NEWS Morning Show interview on Wednesday, Barrister Ladipo Johnson lamented the controversy, describing it as laughable, stating that the optics look bad for the judiciary as a whole.

“When you deliver judgement on Friday and you don’t give the Certified True Copy to the court until 5 days later, it really makes no sense. You begin to wonder, ‘what is going on?’

“What ever it is, it shows that this is scandalous; a scandalous judicial debacle that we are facing.”

The NNPP spokesman said suspicions of foul play may be the cause of confusion and suggests the matter be taken to the supreme court to sort out technicalities and also deliver justice to the “cheated people” of Kano as the conflicting judgement is not seen as an advantage to the party at all.

“It’s not a sense of jubilation it’s a sense of sadness that the judiciary has brought us to this place that we are at. But the issue is not just for the supreme court to review. NJC must thoroughly investigate what has happened. This might mean they will need to use an independent investigator. It is sad that we have gotten to this stage. How can we have a conflicting issue at the court of appeal?”

Glamour Adah 

The post Kano Guber Election: Appeal Court Judgment Is A ‘Scandalous Judicial Debacle,’ Says Ladipo Johnson appeared first on Arise News.