Leveraging Legal Challenges To The Rule Of Law InPrevailing Socio-Economic Realities In Nigeria (1)

Retired Hon. Justice Alaba Omolaye Ajileye delivered a profound lecture, at the Badagry Bar’s 9th Annual Law Week last week, delving into the intricate web of challenges faced by Nigeria’s rule of law within the cur­rent socio-economic tapestry. The lecture, entitled “Leveraging Emerg­ing Legal Challenges to the Rule of Law in the Prevailing Socio-Econom­ic Realities in Nigeria,” sought to illu­minate the complex issues shaping the nation’s legal landscape.

Justice Ajileye commenced his discourse by highlighting the sig­nificance of the lecture against the backdrop of the prevailing socio-eco­nomic challenges in Nigeria, empha­sizing the need to address both obvi­ous and less apparent impediments to the rule of law.