Military Rule: Lest We Forget (1)

 Military rule has set Nigeria back 50 years in terms of development. The robust economy of Nigeria was progressively destroyed by the mili­tary. Whereas a few of the civilians of the independence era might have engaged in larceny in secret, the mil­itary regimes that succeeded them, one after the other, progressively turned the public till into personal pocket, dipping their hands with relish, since no one could question a man with a gun! The military juntas institutionalized corruption, which has permeated the entire fabric of the society. Military rule brought Nigeria to its knees economically, socially and politically.

Some years ago, I watched on the Nigeria Television Authority (NTA) a former Chief Justice of Nigeria, Alfa Belgore, lament how militarism stifled Nigerian development. He re­called the many development agree­ments with the German government in critical sectors of the country’s economy in the early 60s, which had to be abandoned because of army rule.