Cybersecurity-as-a-service to dominate security solutions soon – Jimi Falaiye

Jimi Falaiye is Sophos’ Manager in West Africa. He has been in the IT and security industry for the past 15 years. Based on Sophos’ 4th annual “State of Ransomware Report,” ransomware remains a persistent cyber threat to organizations. 66 percent of the organizations surveyed globally reported they were a victim of ransomware. This volume of attacks is similar in Nigeria. In this interview, Jimi Falaiye speaks to BusinessDay’s Frank Eleanya on the best security approach to prevent ransomware and how Sophos helps organizations be a step ahead of cyber attackers. Excerpt:

What are the major issues organisations are facing regarding cybersecurity?
Today, cybersecurity is so complex and difficult and moving so fast that the vast majority of organizations shouldn’t even try to manage it themselves anymore. It’s just too hard. Our view is that they should turn to experts who can help provide cybersecurity-as-a-service for them.