Why do people orgasm and feel horny in the gym?

Has this ever happened to you while you are working out or your coach is stretching you out after a workout? You feel a tingly sensation down there, you don’t want to cause a scene, but before you know it, it comes like a flood, the euphoric and warm eruption – an orgasm.

According to a recent study, 10% of people have had what is known as an “exercise-induced orgasm,” a term that was first used in 2011 by Debby Herbenick, a Professor at Indiana University School of Public Health. Although, she discovered that many more people reported being aroused during exercise without an orgasm.

According to Herbenick’s 2018 study, 5% of respondents (both male and female) reported having at least one to two exercise-induced orgasms, while about 1% reported having 11 or more of them.