Borrowed System Has Damaged Nigeria’s Education – VC

The bill is already dead on arrival as far as I am concerned.  How will you prohibit people from traveling abroad when the condition of living and the standard of health and provision of facilities, even in our clinics, are not adequate? How can you pass such a bill when the eminent personalities in the nation, including the leadership of the country from the president down, travel abroad for their medical facility? How can you present such a bill and want it to scale through? The National Assembly should rather concentrate on improving the provision of health facilities in our clinics. 

How would you rate Nigerian Education? Do you think the present education curriculum can take Nigeria out of its present state of doldrum? 

The present state of education in Nigeria needs more to be desired. That is why the CCMas are looking at education now from the indigenous perspective. He is trying to develop a kind of education that will suit our contemporary society.  The nation has been living under the borrowed educational system for a long time from the Western world and we have seen that it has not helped us that much. So, with the current stride by NUC, towards indeginalising our educational principle, philosophy, and theories, we think in a few years from now, the system in the country should be better. In terms of funding, the budget allocation to education is grossly inadequate. All over, there has been a clamor for increased budget allocation to education. I think there is much to be desired in terms of funding education in Nigeria.