Report Reveals Some 7% of African SMEs are Adopting Tech

The report, which was released on Thursday, indicated that economists at the World Bank and IFC analysed data from a survey of 3,325 microenterprises in seven countries — Ghana, Kenya, Mozambique, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, and Tanzania. According to the survey, microenterprises that used smartphones and computers “reported 2.8 times higher rates of productivity, six times higher sales levels, and 1.9 times the number of employees than non-users”.

“71 per cent of respondents reported ‘no need’ for digital technologies. For instance, 35 per cent said these technologies were too expensive for them, especially after factoring in the cost of purchasing the products with monthly usage fees and related electricity costs. About the same share, 34 per cent, said that they did not know how to use the technologies, pointing to a digital skills gap to be bridged,” it stated.