Following the success of ‘The Real Housewives of Lagos’, the latest installment offers a glimpse into the luxurious lives of six influential and successful women; Arafa, Comfort Booth, OJ Posharella, Princess Jecoco, Samantha Homossany and Tutupie. Here is a breakdown of the cast:
Showmax is set to debut a new addition to the growing ‘Real Housewives’ franchise called ‘The Real Housewives of Abuja (RHOAbuja).’
Arafa is an art enthusiast, Russian-born mom of twins, the owner of Selara Stiletto Studio, a female-only pole and sensual dance studio in Abuja. The half-Tanzanian, half-Calabar princess is also a certified Zumba instructor who loves to empowers women to feel good about themselves.